Choose Animation, Game Design, or Multimedia and become a commercial director, game designer, or 2D/3D animator. You decide which you like better: the technical side or the artistic side.
What Awaits You in September?
3 Specializations with 6 New Study Programs
A-level Mentors
Learn to create games, animations, design and draw characters, make podcasts, movies, and other wonders.
Individuals working in or running advertising/animation agencies and film/video houses, including those abroad.
Employers Worldwide
Work from anywhere in the world. All you need is a laptop, an internet connection, and the necessary knowledge.
3 State Universities
Practical Knowledge
UTM: Design, concept, and technique
USM: Production and programming
Ion Creangă: Concept and creation
Three Directions to Choose From
We have Centers of Excellence at the following universities:
USM: Mediacor; UTM: Tekwill, ZIPHOUSE; UPSC: Class of the Future; AMTAP: Artcor
Choose from our technical, artistic, or conceptual directions.
Just like Real, humanistic, and artistic profiles.
This is How Future Students Learn
The New Specializations
Game Design
Specialty: Game design | UTM
Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences
Specialization: Multimedia Production | USM
After Graduation, You Could Become:
After Graduation, You Could Become:
After Graduation, You Could Become:
2D animator, 3D animator, Background artist, Character animator, Clean-up Artist, Digital ink and paint artist, Image editor, Key frame animator, Layout artist, Lighting artist, Modeler, Rendering artist, Rigging artist, Storyboard artist, Texture artist
Producer, Marketing Manager, Community Manager, Gameplay Designer, UX/UI Designer, Level Designer, Network Programmer, VR/AR Programmer, AI Programmer, Instrument Engineer, Game Physics , Programmer, Concept Artist, 3D Modeling Artist, Animator, Special Effects Designer, Technical Artist, Graphic Programmer, Programmer-Animator
TV Producer, Series Producer, Documentary Film Producer, Sound Director, Graphic Designer, Motion Designer, Picture Editor, Scriptwriter, Colourist, Dubbing Mixer
Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Specialty: Animation | UPSC
Specialty: Animation | UTM
FACULTY of mathematics and informatics
specialty: Game Design | Usm
Specialty: Animation | UTM
Why is it worth choosing Future Professions? Because...
Why is it worth choosing Future Professions? Because...
Diana - Multimedia, USM
David - Game Design, UTM
Tine - Animație, UPSC
We look forward to seeing you at the Future Professions Forum. Here is the previous edition.
Choose #FutureProfessions, and you will learn:
Game Design
Creative Thinking and Writing
design basics
Audio engineering
game psychology
interactivE design
Basics of Sound Production
Video Genres and Formats
Narrative Elements
3D modelling
Game Design (Atelier)
Interface Design for Interactive Environments
Game Business & Monetisation
UX wireframes
Social media
3D modeling
Adobe Creative Suite
Cinema 4D
Maya/Motion graphics
Interaction design
If you need a reminder before admission, leave your email address below and we will notify you
Partners of the program
"Future Professions" is a program developed by the Association of Creative Companies from Moldova (COR) and the Future Technologies Project, in partnership with Mediacor - Center for Productions and Technologies for the Film, Gaming, and New Media Industries, with financial support from USAID Moldova, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Academic partners: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, Moldova State University, Technical University of Moldova, Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University. Partner: Moldcell Foundation.